
SERTY Member Bulletin 2/2021

Changes in legislation

Producer responsibility now pertains to those distance sellers who supply electrical and electronic equipment directly to users in Finland. These companies must cover producer responsibility in Finland by 31 December 2021, either by joining the producer association or by naming an authorised representative.

A second significant change concerns reporting. A company that operates in a different country, such as a manufacturer or a brand, can take over the reporting of their own products on behalf of a Finnish company. For further information, please contact the SERTY office: info@serty.fi.


Zombie Battery campaign

SERTY is involved in the Zombie Battery campaign, which starts today, October 19th. The goal is to make known the fire potential of lithium batteries when improperly stored or recycled.

‘Zombie batteries’ appear and are heard on YLE’s news and Spotify’s advertisements, as well as on social media. More information on the website www.zombiakku.fi, where you can also download campaign material.


Producer responsibility afternoon

After a year-long break, we wish to welcome you to the Producer Responsibility Afternoon at Tampere on Thursday, 4 November 2021. The programme covers current issues on producer responsibility and legislation.

The event is in Finnish. Please forward this information if your company has contact persons in Finland. You can also follow the seminar remotely.

Please register for the free event (lunch, coffee and a cocktail event are included) by October 29th, the remote stream, and dinner at www.tuottajayhteiso.fi/tvip-2021. The dinner is subject to a charge.


Autumn meeting on 29 November

The statutory meeting of SERTY’s member companies will be held adjacent to SERTY facilities (Pasilankatu 2) in Helsinki, on Monday, 29 November 2021. All contact persons will receive an invitation approximately two weeks before the meeting.


New WEEE fees in 2022

The new recycling price list for waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) was sent to all contact persons at the beginning of September. The price list will take effect on 1 January 2022. Fees for refrigerators and coolers, upright freezers and chest freezers, flat screen TVs, screens and monitors will be reduced. The new price list will be available on the SERTY member site www.serty.fi through the link in the right upper corner with the user member@serty.fi and password serty2001.