
SERTY Member Bulletin 2/2020

WEEE recycling fees as of 1 January 2021

From the beginning of next year, WEEE recycling fees will be reduced for displays, televisions, and power tools (reporting for January will start on 1 February 2021). Fewer of these products have been returned for recycling than previously. Otherwise, the fees will remain unchanged.

Photovoltaic panels are given their own WEEE Classification: 4115 and 5115 according to size.

The new price list has been sent to all contact persons of member companies.

Producer Responsibility Afternoon cancelled

The annual Producer Responsibility Afternoon, usually held in early November in Tampere, has been cancelled for this year due to the coronavirus. The next one will be held on 4th November 2021.

Break in Numerus reporting

SERTY’s website and the related WEEE recycling reporting Numerus will be transferred to a new server. Due to this, we must interrupt the reporting of recycling fees from Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th September 2020.

Invitation to autumn meeting

The regular autumn meeting for SERTY member companies will be held by the end of November. All contacts will receive an invitation to the meeting around two weeks before it is held.