
The recycling of waste electric and electronic equipment is carried out in seamless co-operation

SERTY is an operator association working with various service organisations.

SERTY was founded in 2000 in response to the challenges created by the changes in the hazardous waste legislation. With the WEEE Directive and the national Government Decree on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Valtioneuvoston asetus sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromusta) (852/2004), the responsibility for the waste management of electric and electronic equipmet were transferred to the importers and manufacturers in August 2005. SERTY manages the collection, transport and recycling of the WEEE material on behalf of its members.

The operations are funded with the recycling fees included in the selling price of the products. The recycling fees cover the costs for the recycling and processing of the material. This means that consumers and businesses may take their old electric and electronic equipment to the recycling points free of charge.

The SERTY members include manufacturers and importers of electric and electronic equipment. The collection, recycling, and reuse system organised by SERTY profits the consumer, the retailers, and society at large in line with the requirements stipulated in the legislation.